I am Alison Graham-Wells and among my many roles I’m a Barrister.

When growing up and looking at potential careers my mother, wisely as is a mother’s want, reminded me of the two certainties – we are born and we die, and advised me to “do something” that met the needs that arise in between*.

Law touches everything from cradle to grave (and beyond) and seemed to me the perfect “do something”

The choice of Barrister over Solicitor was an easy one – my mother was a Perry Mason addict, there was no choice – I had to be on my feet.

I think she had visions of a stellar career at the Criminal Bar – Perry Mason meets Marshall Hall meets Rumpole in female form with high heels and lip gloss. And I did that for nearly 10 years in London at the Independent Bar and as an Employed Barrister for HM Customs & Excise.

An affinity with money and an aptitude for finding it and taking it away from “bad guys” led me to tax, civil fraud and “shopping law” (corporate and personal) – which is what I do now. That and the consequences of overspending, over gearing and sometimes just bad luck – insolvency (corporate and personal).

This Blog contains posts about various bits and pieces of law, practice and procedure that arise in my every day work as a Commercial/Chancery Barrister and which I think might be useful to others.

I very much appreciate feedback and you are welcome to leave it – please be constructive. One of the beauties of The Law is the exchange of ideas, information, knowledge and opinion it encourages. Its how we learn and improve.

The opinions expressed, experiences detailed and suggestions made in this Blog are just that, opinions, stories and suggestions and they do not bind me. If you decide to use the information I give or suggestions I make, you do so at your own risk and I will not be liable for any loss you suffer as a consequence – pay me and its a whole different matter.

If you want to instruct me, check the contact box – I accept instructions in the conventional way via Solicitors and by Licensed Access Professions (you can find out if you’re one of those click here). I also undertake Direct Access work at my discretion.

*My mother is my greatest mentor and inspiration, what she actually said was: “Do something with your life, do it well if you can but DO something!”